Utsunomiya University
The School of International Studies:
Theory of Global Governance, Spring
Seminar in Global Governance, Spring
Global Civil Society, Fall
Thesis Preparation Seminar, Fall
The Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity, Division of Social Design (Graduate Program in Global and Area Studies):
Political Change and Development in Southeast Asia I and II
Advised theses:
普遍的な人権概念における 伝統的価値観の位置づけ—国連人権理事会及び国連人権高等弁務官事務所に よる FGMに関する取組を事例として一 (副査).
A Thought around Justification of Fairtrade Certification for Labor: The Impact of External Initiative to the Labor Welfare in Tea Plantations in Sri Lanka (Thesis co-advisor).
Malaysia’s Look East Policy: Knowledge Transfer under Education Program for Government Officials in Japan (Thesis co-advisor).
屋台文化と脱プラスチック両立の可能性-タイの屋台事業者へのインタビューをもととして− (副査).
Missing Gaps Between Millennials' and the Younger Generation’s Perspectives on Women’s Political Participation: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Japan. (Main supervisor).
Challenging Gendered Victimhoods Notions: A Study of Sexual Minorities and Gender in Transnational Justice. (Thesis co-advisor).
Ethnic Politics and Political Stability in Malaysia: Barisan Nasional’s Political Dominance Pre-2008 12th General Election (GE12). (Thesis co-advisor).
Technological Transfer Through Malaysia Look East Policy Education Program - From Graduates ’ Perspective. (Thesis co-advisor).
Ritsumeikan University
Research Design and Methods, Spring 2020 & 2021
Applied Research Method for Social Sciences, Fall 2020